What is ECON?

What is ECON?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Concept Map/Final Journal before GR A


I want you to look at what we've covered and create a "concept map." 

(ie http://cmap.ihmc.us/publications/researchpapers/theorycmaps/Fig1CmapAboutCmaps-large.png)

Ideally at the "center" or "top" you'd start with the idea economics. From there you should focus on the definition and principles and then move to specific things we might have covered and how they might relate to the principles and to each other. Hopefully this is an exercise in connecting all the disparate lessons together. I'd also desire that you include objectives in places where you feel them to be relevant. If you're not sure about objectives look at the objectives linked to reading portion in your syllabus or on the K drive (K:\DF\DFEG\Economics\Econ201\Fall 2013\Balser).

If it helps think about this question: How are the seven principles and the definition of economics related to prices? why isn't economics just about money?

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